Image to Video with Loopback Wave and Roop Extension (A1111)

Image to Video with Loopback Wave and Roop Extension (A1111)
Dive into the magic of the Loopback Wave Script and the Roop Extenstion to converting images to captivating face swap video animations in stable diffusion.

1. Introduction

Welcome to our captivating blog, where we unveil the enchanting world of Loopback Wave Script! Discover the art of transforming static images into mesmerizing video animations with stable diffusion. Unleash your creativity and unlock the secrets behind this fascinating technique that brings images to life in the most captivating way!

Join us for an extraordinary showcase featuring the talented Margot Robbie from the new Barbie movie.💗

We'll demonstrate the power of Loopback Wave Script and the Roop extension to create a mesmerizing animations face swaps. Don't miss this thrilling journey as we unravel the wonders of Loopback Wave Script together!

2. Requirements for Loopback Wave Script

Before using the waveback loop script to create the final video, ensure that you have the following downloads in place, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download Loopback Wave Script

  • Go to the offical website Stable Diffusion Loopback Wave Script website.

  • Right Click on the Script file and click "Save Link As".

  • Place the script in your Stable Diffusion scripts directory, as demonstrated below, and give it an appropriate name ( i named it "loopback_wave") : 42-image-to-video-with-loopback-wave-and-roop-extension-stable-diffusion-a1111-script-face-swap-roop-extension-folder-structure.png

Step 2: Install FFMPEG (Windows 11)

To transform the generated images into a video format, FFmpeg, a powerful multimedia framework. FFmpeg not only compresses videos but also excels in a wide range of multimedia processing tasks. If you haven't installed FFmpeg yet, don't worry. You can follow the guide below to get it up and running effortlessly.

A Comprehensive Guide to Installing FFmpeg on Windows for Stable Diffusion

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3. Directory Settings (Stable Diffusion)

Steps to Prepare for the Exciting Journey of animation:

  • Open Stable Diffusion.
  • Navigate to the "Settings" tabs.
  • Click on the "Saving to a Directory" option in the left sidebar.
  • Ensure that the first box labeled "Save Images to a Subdirectory" is unchecked.
  • Maken sure that the "[wiki] Directory name pattern" input field is empty
  • Apply settings and Reload the UI


4. Create an Starting Image with txt2img (Stable Diffusion).

To make an animated video, first, you need to create an initial image in the txt2img tab and send this image to the img2img tab. In case you already have an image, you can just drag and drop it into the img2img tab and proceed to skip this particular step.

  • Create an image in the txt2img tab.

Below is the starting image we have generated with txt2img and the roop extension, showcasing the beauty of Margot Robbie (Barbie) 💗 image-to-video-with-waveback-loop-and-roop-extension-stable-diffusion-a1111-margot-robbie-barbie-movie.webp

  • Send the image to the img2img tab.
  • Navigate to the img2img tab.
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5. Stable Diffusion img2img Settings

Before we begin generating the video, we must set up some configurations settings in the img2img tab. Please follow the provided steps below:

  • Select a Checkpoint, we will use Cyberrealistic
  • Provide a positive prompt.
  • Provide a negative prompt.


We strongly advise following our recommended settings, as they will yield outstanding results in your final video. The following settings are:

  • Sampling Method: DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
  • Sampling Steps: 30
  • Restore faces: "Enabled"
  • CFG Scale: 7
  • Denoising strength: 0,3
  • Seed: -1 27-image-to-video-with-waveback-loop-and-roop-extension-stable-diffusion-a1111-barbie-margot-robbie-image-settings-img2img.png

Feel free to experiment with those settings, but we recommend keeping the denoising strength at 0,3.

6. Roop Extension Settings

To match the beauty of Margot Robbie's face, we will scroll down and "enable" the Roop extension. If you haven't installed the Roop extension yet, you can refer to our detailed guide below:

How to Face Swap in Stable Diffusion with Roop Extension

If Roop is already installed, continue with the following steps:

  • "Enable" the Roop extension
  • Supply the Roop extension with an image of Margot Robbie's face


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7. Loopback Wave Script Settings (Stable Diffusion)

Next, we will choose the "Loopback Wave" script from the Script dropdown menu and configure the necessary settings as demonstrated below:

  • Frames: 100
  • Frames Per Wave: 20
  • Max additional denoise: 0.7
  • Frames per Second: 10
  • Video Quality (crf): 40
  • Video encoding: VP9 (webm)

Displayed below is an image showcasing all the settings utilized in generating the video: 33-image-to-video-with-loopback-wave-and-roop-extension-stable-diffusion-a1111-margot-robbie-barbie-movie-beautifull-image-settings-loopback-wave-settings-configuration.png

As you may have noticed, we also offer some prompt changes in the waveback loop script. In the Prompt Changes text box, you have the option to modify the prompt at a specific frame. Just input the frame number where you want the transition to happen, followed by :: and then your desired prompt.

Please note that the video is generated with 100 frames, and each wave comprises 20 frames. To ensure a high-quality video, it is crucial to make prompt changes at the same intervals as the frames per wave, which, in this case, is every 20 steps.

Even if you have no intention of altering the prompt, we recommend populating the prompt change text box with the same base prompt used to generate the images. This practice will generate new images at specific frames, leading to a higher-quality background rather than a faded out, blurry one.

Having everything set up, you are now able to move forward with generating the video.

35-image-to-video-with-loopback-wave-and-roop-extension-stable-diffusion-a1111-margot-robbie-barbie-movie-beautifull-image-settings-loopback-wave-settings-configuration-generate.png Please bear in mind that the generation process may take a while, depending on the capabilities of your GPU graphics card.

8. Video Examples: Loopback Wave Script + Roop Extension

Once the entire process is completed, you can locate the generated video within the following directory: stable-diffusion-webui > outputs > img2img-images > loopbackwave

Within the folder, you will find the collection of generated images, a video file in webm format, and a text file containing your settings and prompt information.

Simply double-click on the video file, and prepare to be amazed by the exquisite portrayal of Barbie, portrayed by the talented Margot Robbie 💗

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9. Conclusion

In conclusion, our captivating blog has led you on an enchanting journey through the realm of Loopback Wave Script and face swaps with the Roop extension. The mysteries of this captivating technique have been revealed, showcasing how it breathes life into images like never before. We look forward to having you join us in our next tutorial! See you!

Frequently Asked Questions

To embark on the journey of creating face swap video animations with the Loopback Wave Script and stable diffusion, the following requirements must be met:

  • Loopback Wave Script: Download the Loopback Wave Script from the official website and place it in the appropriate script folder within Stable Diffusion.

  • 7-Zip: 7-Zip is a Free and open-source file archiver utility for compressing groups of files into archives that result in smaller files with better compression. You can download 7-Zip from the official website and install it on your system.

  • FFMPEG: Install FFMPEG, which is essential for video processing, by downloading it from the official FFMPEG website. After installation, set up the environmental variables to ensure smooth access to FFMPEG from the command prompt.

  • Roop Extension (Face Swapper): If intending to perform face swaps, install and enable the Roop extension. Detailed instructions for installing the Roop extension can be found in the provided guide listed here: How to Face Swap in Stable Diffusion with Roop Extension

The Roop Extension serves as a valuable addition to the Loopback Wave Script when creating video animations. Its primary function is to enable face swaps, allowing users to replace the face in the initial image with a different face of their choice. By supplying the Roop Extension with an image of the desired face, users can seamlessly merge it into the animation, resulting in captivating and lifelike face swaps.

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